"During the 1920s and 1930s, Panhandle was home to the second largest shipping yard in the United States, second to Chicago. In 1924, Panhandle’s business leaders formed a committee to build a hotel intended to become “Panhandle’s Meeting Place” and indeed it did. Designed by Amarillo Architect E.F. Rittenberry, and financed by Colonel Ernest O. Thompson, an acknowledged leader in petroleum conservation, Panhandle Inn served business travelers associated with the oil, gas, and cattle industries. Its unique pueblo revival-style architecture added to the hotel’s prominence as a place to meet and do business during the oil boom. The 20,000 square foot hotel also housed businesses such as a drug store, café, and barbershop."
"The Panhandle Inn closed in 1972 and has not been occupied since despite efforts to reopen the hotel. The building is structurally sound but the size of the project is overwhelming for a community the size of Panhandle. The hotel was donated to the Panhandle Inn Foundation (501(c)3 in 2010, and they have completed an extensive clean-up and hosted several open houses to attempt to get support for its preservation. Once the site of million-dollar deals, the Panhandle Inn is now in immediate need of a complete make-over and a new life."
Preservation Texas 2012

August 1924 - Ernest Thompson announced his intentions to build a new hotel in Panhandle
December 31, 1924 - Grand Opening of Panhandle Inn
1939 - Hotel sold for the first of many times to come
1970 - Panhandle Inn closed
1995 - City of Panhandle included the Panhandle Inn in application for Texas D.O.T. – ISTEA funding
2000 - Panhandle Inn Purchased by Larry and Deborah Summers
October 18, 2010 - Panhandle Inn was granted non profit status
2010 Panhandle Inn Foundation was established as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
January 2011- Larry and Deborah Summers deeded the Panhandle Inn to the Panhandle Inn Foundation.
November 4 and 5, 2011-Texas Intuitive Paranormal Research Fund Raiser Public Investigations
December 1, 2011-Panhandle Inn's Shop in the Inn held in conjuntion with Panhandle Chamber of Commerce's "Shop Panhandle".
March 22, 2012-Panhanle Inn is named to Preservation Texas' Most Endangered Historical Places List.
April 2012 -Julie Young, President Panhandle Inn Foundation, appears on KAMR Morning Show.
April 12, 2012 Panhandle "Go Getters" announce video to be produced.
April 20 and 21,2012-Texas Intuitive Paranormal Reserch Public Investigations.
June 2012- Jimmy Don Mitchell donates 1968 Pontiac Tempest in exchange for a charitible tax deduction.
June 12, 2012-The Panhandle Inn Foundation unanimously voted to secure the services of Charles R. Lynch,AIA Inc, CLRA, for architectural services for the restoration of the Panhandle Inn. (Services of Charles Lynch are funded in part by a grant from the Fondren Preservation Services Fund for Texas of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.)
June 28,2012-Raffle tickets for a 1968 Pontiac Tempest go on sale.
July4, 2012-Jerad Martin wins the Pontiac Tempest. Announced at the closing of Panhandle's JOY Independence Day Celebration.
August 22, 2012-Architect Charles Lynch obtains 12,000 sq. ft. vintage tin ceiling tiles in exchange for in kind donation documentation.
September 23, 2012- SAVE THE INN flyers are distribted to Panhandle Elementary students to color and display for Homecoming weekend.
September 28, 2012- Panhandle Inn Foundation information table is set at Panhandle Chamber of Commerce's Homecoming Pre-game Meal.
September 29, 2012-Panhandle Inn Homecoming Open House
October 2, 2012-Panhandle Inn Foundation informational presentation to Dianthus Club.
October 22, 26, 27 and 31, 2012- The Panhandle Inn Foundation presents the Frighten Inn Spookhouse.
November 3, 2012- Panhandle High and Jr. High S.W.A.T. Teams volunteer for Inn cleanup.
November 3, 2013- Panhandle High School Student Council host Spooky Movie Night.
December 6, 2012 The Shop in the Inn is held inconjunction with Panhandle Chamber of Commerce's Shop Panhandle.
December 13, 2012-The National Trust for Historic Preservation awards the Panhandle Inn Foundation the $10,000 Fondren Preservation Services Fund Grant.
February 4, 2013-Panhandle Inn is featured on KVII Panhandle Spirit.
April 14, 2013-Panhandle High and Jr. High S.W.A.T. Teams begin wall plaster removal.
April 27, 2013-Panhandle Inn Foundation participates in the Junk Hippie Show in Amarillo. Items sold: City of Panhandle Vintage Street Signs, SAVE THE INN! t-shirts.
May 30, 2013- Panhandle Elementary Staff raises over $1000 for the Panhandle Inn as farewell gift to First Grade Teacher, Panhandle Inn Foundation President, Julie Young.
June 1, 2013- JP Solutions, Julie Johncox, completes the Business Plan for the Panhandle Inn Foundation.
June 17, 2013- Invitations to the Panhandle Inn's First Annual Black Tie Affair Non-Event are mailed.
June 27, 2013-Andrea Fuller, WTAMU Student, completes THIS WEB PAGE. (Hoorah!)
July 2013- Panhandle Inn Promotional Video is completed by Spotted Moose Productions, Phillip Winegart.
July 2013- PanhandleInn.com and SAVE THE INN! are launched.
August 2013- Panhandle High School Principal Jerry Schaeffer announced the Panhandle Inn as the Panhandle High School's 2013-14 Community Service Project.
Sept. 22, 2013-Architect Charles Lynch delivers donated ceiling tile. Donor: Davidson Leasing Amarillo.
Sept. 26, 2013- Mrs. Bradford's Community Service Class reports findings from history research for the Panhandle Inn.
October 19, 2013- PHS Drama Students perform "Shakespeare at the Inn" for standing room only audience in the ballroom of the Panhandle Inn.
February 24, 2014- Board members Kay Williams and Julie Young attend Amarillo Area Foundation's Grant Writing Workshop. A Texas size "Thank You!" to my new NYC Buddy, the presentor, Keif Schladweiler.
February 27, 2014-Team INNovation secures letter of commitment to negotiate the relocation of Panhandle City Hall to the renovated Panhandle Inn once renovation is complete.
March 13, 2014- Board Members Kay Williams and Julie Young, and PHS Liaison Tanner Richardson meet with Odis McClellan, O. H. M. Operating, Inc. at his Borger office. Mr. McClennan gave a very informative presentation on the geological history of the Panhandle Borger area and the processes involved in drilling for oil and gas. Mr McClellen was so gracious to take time out of his busy schedule to share his knowledge with us. Thank you, Odis!!

March 22, 2014- Summerlee Foundation Letter of Inquiry Sent
March 22, 2014- David D. and Nona S. Payne Foundation Grant Application Sent
April 9, 2014- Mary E. Bivins Grant Application Sent
May 1, 2014- Julie Young attends the Amarillo Area Foundation "From Theory to Practice: How to Build a Nonprofit Endowment" workshop presented by Kathryn W. Miree
May 13, 2014- Received the David D. and Nona S. Payne Foundation $10,000 Construction Grant. THANK YOU, PAYNE FOUNDATION!
May 14, 2014- Opened the Panhandle Inn Construction Account at Happy State Bank by depositing our $10,000 check!
June 3, 2014- Kay Williams and Julie Young met with Joy Shadid, Cathy Pruiett, and Stephanie Sullivan of McCormick Advertising to discuss marketing.
June 8, 2014- The Larry Hilburn Art Exhibit Opens at the Carson County Square House Museum. Proceeds from the sale of Mr. Hilburn's artwork will be shared with the Square House 1/3 and the Panhandle Inn Foundation 1/3. How special our inn is for this talented artist to share his heart with her!
August 7, 2014-Mary E. Bivins Foundation Board of Directors declined our $100,000 request. They lacked confidence in the Panhandle Inn Foundation's ability to secure $4 million in contributions.
August 16, 2014- the Summerlee Foundation in Dallas received the Panhandle Inn Foundation's Formal Grant Request for $100,000.
Sept. 1, 2014- The Texas Historical Foundation grant request for $100,000 was sent via email.
Sept. 3, 2014- per email conversation with THF Pam Murtha, the Inn's request was changed to $10,000.
Sept. 5, 2014-$1,181.67 was received from the sale of artist Larry Hilburn's work during his Square House Museum Art Exhibit.
September 9, 2014-Amarillo playwrite and director, King Hill, announced proceeds from "Lone Star Legends" will benefit Panhandle Inn Foundation. Incredible!
October 7, 2014- The SUMMERLEE Foundation awarded the Panhandle Inn Foundation $40,000. YIPPEE!!!
October 14, 2014- "Lone Star Legends" Planning Committee was formed. Kay Williams is Committee Chair.
October 21, 2014-Texas Historical Foundation granted the Panhandle Inn $5,000 conditional upon PIF raising $445,000 by November 1, 2014. We CAN do it! Check out Texas Historical Foundation at www.texashistoricalfoundation.org.
March 14, 2015-Panhandle Inn Raise the Roof Pi Run. Raised over $600.
June 27, 2015-Buried Secrets Paranormal Investigation.
August 8, 2015-Buried Secrets Paranormal Investigation.
August 28, 2015-Buried Secrets Paranormal Investigation.
October 23, 2015-Buried Secrets Paranormal hosts Larry Lemons of Chanel 7 News Team
October 23, 2015-Buried Secrets Paranormal Investigation with 806Unhinged.com.
October 24, 2015-Yellow City Paranormal investigates with KISS FM.
November 14, 2015- yellow City Paranormal investigation.
February 9, 2016- Lana Boland joins the Panhandle Inn Foundation Board of Directors.
February 2016-Grant Applications were sent to Pattern Energy and Pantex.
May 2016- Received $3500 contingent grant from Pattern.
May 2016- Panhandle Inn Foundation will use Attorney Richard Roth of New Orleans for legal work with historic tax credits.
May 10, 2016- Calvin and Maria Brinkley joined the Panhandle Inn Foundation Board of Directors.
May 2016-Submitted application to the National Trust for Historic Preservation for the Hart Family Grant to assist with the Conditions Report.
June 2016-Calvin and Maria Brinkley remove the garden area fence and add planter boxes to the front.
July 4, 2016-Panhandle Inn has an information booth at the Independence Day celebration.
July 2016-The National Trust for Historic Preservation sent word that the Inn will not receive the Hart Family grant.
October 2016 - Outside the Inn Winetasting Fundraiser
February 28, 2017 - The Panhandle Inn was placed on the National Register of Historic Places
October 2017 - Outside the Inn Winetasting Fundraiser
January 2018 - Asbestos Abatement was completed.